Chiropractic Therapy
There is a reason why you lie on the Ceragem without any pillow. When you lie flat, the Ceragem will push up your back and stretches your spine just as a chiropractor does. There are six different intensity levels you can choose depending on your flexibility... Read More
Acupuncture Healing
The acupuncture is based on the theory that there are 365 points in our body, all of which are related to certain body parts and organs. The most concentrated area of acupuncture points is the spine where there are 96 of them. While an acupuncture doctor...Read More
Far Infrared & Massage
Far infrared ray (FIR) has another nickname and that is “light of life” because it is produced when stones and the earth are heated up. Ceragem harnesses that power and can use it to fight inflammation. FIR is widely used in alternative treatments...Read More
About Us
We are an authorized Ceragem distributor and sell and repair services at our locations in Buena Park.
Ceragem headquarter is in South Korea and all the Ceragem products are made in Korea. We carry Ceragem Master V3, Ceratonic Mat S1 and M1.
Ceragem Master V3 is a 510K medical device approved by FDA which does hot thermal acupressure, deep tissue rolling massage and intense stretching of your spine at the same time. It helps to reduce the pain on your back, improve your overall health, stretch your spine and correct your posture…..Read More
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Buena Park Center
16331 Carmenita Rd, Cerritos, CA 90703
Open Hours:
Call 213.732.9638 for an appointment